Falling Up!

The chakras are where your physical body and consciousness meet.

Sometimes I get weighed down by the gravitational pull of my personal relationships, health concerns, other’s opinions, politics and world events.

It’s easy to fall into an energetic downward spiral that takes me away from my soul path. If I’m not paying attention, the daily drama can ultimately lower my vibrational energy and create obstacles to my peace of mind and achieving my goals.

When discussing this with my Intuitive Counselor, she will often talk about raising my vibration. Until more recently, that felt like telling me to go climb Mount Everest (yeah – not going to happen). I could tell when my vibration was high, but I couldn’t always raise it on command. Of course, that was because I was (you know) trying to “think” my way to a higher vibration.

Now after I’ve been triggered by a comment/situation that gut punches my inner wounded child, I’ve started noticing how it affects my energetic vibration. This requires that I sit quietly and feel where the energy is in my body. Often it’s sitting as anger in my third chakra and doubt in my fourth chakra.

Once I acknowledge where I am energetically, I imagine “dumping” the triggering comment/situation from my mind and energy field into the cosmic recycling bin. I then set my intention to raise my vibration. I call upon the Divine and my Guides for help. I focus my attention on my sixth, seventh and eighth chakras – these are the portals to higher consciousness and connection to the Greater Universal Energies.

I use my mind/body/spirit connection to “remember” how it feels when I’m vibrating higher energetically. I visualize a place that represents that higher vibration – currently, it’s me walking my Higher Soul Path in a bright watercolor within my imagination.

And then I Fall Up into the higher vibration – rather it pulls me towards it. I release myself into the pull. Yes, I have to be sitting quietly while I do this. I’ve yet to master it in the moment. But, more and more I’m aware of the triggers and react to them less and less. In a way, that too is falling up – falling into consciousness – into awareness – into the arms of the Divine. There, I’m living in my higher energetic vibration.

We all can experience Falling Up. Sometimes we only catch a glimmer. Other times, we are living in our higher vibration. That’s when synchronicity keeps showing up and we are open to receiving the bounty of the Universe.

Take a moment and notice where you are energetically today. If your vibration is low, spend some time nurturing yourself and communing with your Higher Power. If it’s high – then ride the energetic wave!



Looking to Raise your Vibration?


Take a Chakra Walk
Learn to Read Your Energy

By learning how to read your chakra energy you will gain insight into how to shift the areas of struggle in your body and life.

Intro to Business Chakras

Discover how the human chakra energy system applies to you professionally.

Saturday, October 30
10 a.m. – 1 p.m. ET

FREE PDF of Nanette’s Book Open for Business with Enrollment

Bridge business school with personal and spiritual well being.

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